Monday, December 19, 2011


Odyssey by Myficals
Odyssey, a photo by Myficals on Flickr.

I first visited Odyessy a little over three years ago. I was doing a little map based exploring, when the name caught my eye. It turned out to be an art space and was a pleasant way to kill a half hour or so. The exhibit that really caught got my attention was an inflatable Jean Baudrillard, a French philosopher who coined the term "hyperreality" and who probably would have found Second Life fascinating. Returning to the sim, it was a bittersweet moment to discover Jean still struggling against his chains. On the one hand, it's always nice to rediscover art you once loved. On the other, impermenance is one of the things I feel makes Second Life great and seeing Jean still up three years later, I find myself wondering why.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My First Blog Challenge

Gogo, over at Juicy Bomb recently opened a blogger challenge, focusing on the bum. How could I resist? I subbed this image to Flickr and added it to the group.
Urban Nudes: Innsmouth VII by ~Myficals on deviantART

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What I'm Wearing 002 (breaking the drought)

Sk8punks Must Ride by ~Myficals on deviantART

 Style Card:
Skin by Mynerva, Hair by 99 Elephants, Eyes by Nomine, Shape by me.
Necklace by LouLou&Co, Bracelets by Insanya, Gauge Plugs by ATIU.
Shirt & Leggings by Razorblade Jacket, Belt by JP, Boots by League.
Glasses by [Soap], Harness and Board by Action.
Pose by HelaMiyo.

Well that was a bit of an hiatus, wasn't it? Let's try not to do that again.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What I'm Wearing 001

pink punk final by Myf Mcmahon
pink punk final, a photo by Myf Mcmahon on Flickr.

Style Card:
Skin by Pink Fuel, Hair by 99 Elephants, Shape by me.
Necklace by LouLou&Co, Bracelets and Rings by Insanya
Pants by Shitz and Giggles, Top by LouLou&Co (for Depraved Dealers), Socks by League, Shoes by Xplosion (for Depraved Dealers).

Edit: forgot to mention, Poses by HelaMia.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm Still Here!

Haven't been in world a great deal, the last few days. Had a rather nasty virus that's left my head pounding and destroyed my ability to concentrate on a computer screen for than a few minutes at a time. Clawing my way back to health though; this blog is on my list of things to attend to when I reach that exalted state.

Oh and by the by, all you Aussies that are dropping by (I've more hits from Australia than the USA, which is pretty incredible); this blog has nothing to do with Myf Warhurst (though I do like her on Spicks and Specks) and if you come here looking for her nude photos, well I'm sorry there's only lil old virtual me here. =)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Naked for no Reason.

Officially, my Naked for Lent project ended three hours ago and I'm still naked. I did throw clothes on for a bit. It amused me to put a burhka on and be fully covered after being fully exposed. But after a little while it just felt wrong. I've been naked so long that wearing clothes is weird. I will wear clothes again, but I think I'm going to be naked a lot more than I have been.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

naked for lent collage 3

naked for lent collage 3 by Myf Mcmahon
naked for lent collage 3, a photo by Myf Mcmahon on Flickr.

Been slowing down as the end of the experiment approaches. Still visiting new places, but i'm taking fewer photos.

Monday, April 18, 2011

naked for lent collage 2

naked for lent collage 2 by Myf Mcmahon
naked for lent collage 2, a photo by Myf Mcmahon on Flickr.

Style card (because it amuses me to do so)
Shoes by Deco, Socks and Jewelry by LouLou&Co, Skin by Pink Fuel, Hair (head) by 99 Elephants.

The tablecloth texture is by Patrick Hoesly and is released under a Creative Commons attribution license.

NfL: Oh eff, I am naked!

Had an interesting talk with a store owner earlier. I'd spent the last couple of hours working through a shortish hunt and had just started on a second when...

Store Owner
: Just gonna warn you by IM. We don't accept any naked people here.
Myf McMahon: sorry, i'll go
Store Owner: Thank you.
Myf McMahon: i was trying to be quick, but you hid your depraved hunt gift well =)
Store Owner: I'm not disturbed in you passing by but just wear panties and a bra

It was a timely reminder. Not that I'm naked, that's hard to forget seeing as how I'm spending an inordinate amount of time staring at my own arse. Rather it was a short, sharp reminder that naked, even in a virtual world, is not normal and is in fact, transgressive. I'd been coasting you see, I'd gone several hours without apparent reaction, the other day I spent over an hour at a fair (and spent way too much money I might add) and no one said boo. I was well on the way to accepting my undressed state as normal, when the fact of the matter is, it's pretty much normal's opposite.

Store Owner: Nah but I mean, people will always tell you to put clothes on or stuff...
Store Owner: It's just how it goes in SL.
Store Owner: Nudity is just kept for sexual places or private stuff.


Store Owner: Since the whole SL community works on a standard that is : no nudity in public places... you'll always get ejected or talked to if you meet an owner.
Store Owner: Of course you won't meet an owner all the time.
Store Owner: That's just by "chance" if he or she is in his/her store.
Store Owner: You could have been there totally alright if I hadn't been around.
Store Owner: Or if no one had reported cos some do.

We covered more than this, but I think those are the two important points for me to take away from our discussion. I'm going to this more about them though, so I'll probably address them in a later post. For now though, I'll leave them here and maybe one or two of you will have something to add.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

NfL: A Change of Plans

I said previously that I was going to continue with this naked in SL thing until midnight on the 23rd/24th SLT, because that's when Lent Ends. Well I've been doing some adding up and I've realised that's not a particularly good end time for me. 12 am SLT translates into 5pm local time, so the end of Lent in SL is going to fall late afternoon Easter Sunday for me. As I'm going to have real world commitments most of the day, I'm going to miss the end of my own project. Not good.

So I've decided to extend the festivities a little. Instead of being naked for Lent, I'm now going to be naked until after Easter. That is, no covering my bits until midnight on the 25th/26th of April. This will ensure I can be present in world to throw on an ankle length skirt and a duffle coat when my madness ends. By coincidence, it also means I'll have been nude for two weeks, which is a nice round figure.

NfL: at the posefair

naked at the posefair by Myf Mcmahon
naked at the posefair, a photo by Myf Mcmahon on Flickr.

I've been getting more and more bold, the more acustomed I become to full time nudity. When I started this, my first trip outside Sanctuary or home, was an uncomfortable and embarrassing experience (I'm discounting my griffer run at That Club, adrenaline got me through that. Since that first trip though, I've gotten mostly used to it. I've been teleporting wherever with little care. Sometimes, the green dots make me wince, but I get through it.

A fair though; gulp!

So I went in the quiet hours. It's funny, though there was maybe a dozen people who visited the sim during the hour I was there, that was still much more uncomfortable than being naked at Sanctuary when there are three times as many people around.

Friday, April 15, 2011

NfL: The First Collage

naked for lent collage 1 by Myf Mcmahon
naked for lent collage 1, a photo by Myf Mcmahon on Flickr.

This is the first photo collage of my naked travels. I expect to put up quite a few more over the next eight days of the project.

NfL: My first Booting since That Club

Okay, technically I wasn't booted, I was asked to leave (nicely) and I did. Had a short chat with the gentleman afterwards and I thought I might share it here. I've removed his name and the name of the estate from the transcript.

Mr Booter: HI Fawny..Welcome to (the estate) ..I'm sorry..there is a very strict no nudity policy in the park. Youll need to put something on to stay.
Myf McMahon: oh, sorry. i'll leave and come back after Lent =)
Mr Booter: thank you
Myf McMahon: theyre very nice gardens btw.
Mr Booter: thank you ..there are (n) sims to the park...all to explore..just throw something
Myf McMahon: fair enuff. =) tho it's kind nice being natural in nature. you should try it sometime =)
Mr Booter: i have...before i oopened it to the problems with it myself....but this is our home...which i've opened others...and some guests feel uncomfortable about has bee created for everyone....if nudity was the least of the problems i have ot deal with here each would be
Myf McMahon: fair enuff. =) and that also answers what was going to be my next question; i was curious about your reasons. i've not intention of breaking the rule more than i have, but i was still curious. =)
Mr Booter: well..thanks ..i hope you'll come back and visit..and explore the beauty i've tried to express here for everyon
Mr Booter: after Lent
Mr Booter: LOL
Myf McMahon: i will, thanks for beng so nice about it =)
Mr Booter: my pleasure ..

Naked for Lent: Execution

So now, foolish as it was, I had a plan. Next up was working out how to go about it. So think for a bit, I came up with these rules:

  1. No covering up until the end of Lent. That being midnight on the 23rd/24th of April, SLT. Until that date I must remain "boobs and bush" fully uncovered. I can wear clothes that don't cover those areas, e.g. socks, shoes and gloves.
  2. No breaking the community standards. So I cannot visit G or PG sims.
  3. If I'm asked by a representative of the land or parcel owner to leave a sim or to put on clothes, I leave. I'm not doing this to antagonize anyone, so I won't argue if it involves upsetting folks. The one caveat is I may make one attempt to politely state my case an ask for an exception. However, if I'm refused, I have to teleport away.
  4. I must visit a public space at least once a day, Sanctuary Rock doesn't count. Traveling only between Sanc and my home would make this a doddle, there needs to be some challenge involved.

So that's it. Let's see what happens now.

ps: yes, there will be pics.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Naked for Lent: Conception

There’s this club that shall remain nameless, myself and some friends occasionally refer to it as The Nipple Club. The reason we call it this is they hate, hate, hate, female nipples. They get quite uptight at times, the finest sliver of areola is enough to earn you a “please cover up” IM. This is in stark contrast to our regular hangout, where just about anything short of public sex is allowed and nudity is considered no biggie. We often joke about going on mass topless raids to this club, or wearing shirts with photos of our boobs across the chest.

As an aside, to fill in an important detail; in SL I’m not an especially shy person. I’ve a reputation (mostly deserved) at my regular hangout, of almost always being naked or nearly so. This behaviour pattern waxes and wanes, but currently, well I’ve been getting my kit of a lot. Now back to the story.

Early Monday morning, I was hosting a Full Monty event at Sanctuary (sometimes SL conspires to strip me) and it came to pass that an hour after the event ended, I was still naked as conversation turned to The Nipple Club. That was the moment the First Imp of the Perverse grabbed me; I decided then and there that I was going to TP to the club in my rezzday suit, see just how long it took them to eject me. For no real reason I can explain, I hit upon using Lent as my excuse. With custom title prepared, I tped over, fully expecting to last five minutes.

I lasted 38.

I don’t know whether it took that long for them to notice, whether I was grey for ages, or if they were deliberately pretending not to see me (I’ve been told the on duty folks at the time are some of the laid back ones), but I was there longer than expected. In the end I left voluntarily because the girl asking me to go was being nicer about it than she had to be.

And that’s when the Second Imp raised his head; I’d just spent half an hour in a club that hates girls nipples, proving to all who cared to check, that my avatar’s carpet does match the drapes, I could be naked anywhere! I mean, I got this “Naked for Lent” title, I may as well not waste it.

It’s only a fortnight,; how hard could it be?

How to Start a Blog

So again I find myself blogging (or attempting to blog) about Second Life and my experiences within it. Last time was not a great success.

So the question is; what do I change? What do I do differently to last time? How do I make sure this thing goes somewhere?

My last blog had a theme that was maybe just a tad ambitious, although I had a focus, it wasn’t something I found easy to articulate. This time, I’m opening with something somewhat more base, an idea born out of a, possibly quite stupid, flight of fancy I had the other night: Naked for Lent.

More to come.