- No covering up until the end of Lent. That being midnight on the 23rd/24th of April, SLT. Until that date I must remain "boobs and bush" fully uncovered. I can wear clothes that don't cover those areas, e.g. socks, shoes and gloves.
- No breaking the community standards. So I cannot visit G or PG sims.
- If I'm asked by a representative of the land or parcel owner to leave a sim or to put on clothes, I leave. I'm not doing this to antagonize anyone, so I won't argue if it involves upsetting folks. The one caveat is I may make one attempt to politely state my case an ask for an exception. However, if I'm refused, I have to teleport away.
- I must visit a public space at least once a day, Sanctuary Rock doesn't count. Traveling only between Sanc and my home would make this a doddle, there needs to be some challenge involved.
So that's it. Let's see what happens now.
ps: yes, there will be pics.
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