Had an interesting talk with a store owner earlier. I'd spent the last couple of hours working through a shortish hunt and had just started on a second when...
Store Owner: Just gonna warn you by IM. We don't accept any naked people here.
Myf McMahon: sorry, i'll go
Store Owner: Thank you.
Myf McMahon: i was trying to be quick, but you hid your depraved hunt gift well =)
Store Owner: I'm not disturbed in you passing by but just wear panties and a bra
It was a timely reminder. Not that I'm naked, that's hard to forget seeing as how I'm spending an inordinate amount of time staring at my own arse. Rather it was a short, sharp reminder that naked, even in a virtual world, is not normal and is in fact, transgressive. I'd been coasting you see, I'd gone several hours without apparent reaction, the other day I spent over an hour at a fair (and spent way too much money I might add) and no one said boo. I was well on the way to accepting my undressed state as normal, when the fact of the matter is, it's pretty much normal's opposite.
Store Owner: Nah but I mean, people will always tell you to put clothes on or stuff...
Store Owner: It's just how it goes in SL.
Store Owner: Nudity is just kept for sexual places or private stuff.
Store Owner: Since the whole SL community works on a standard that is : no nudity in public places... you'll always get ejected or talked to if you meet an owner.
Store Owner: Of course you won't meet an owner all the time.
Store Owner: That's just by "chance" if he or she is in his/her store.
Store Owner: You could have been there totally alright if I hadn't been around.
Store Owner: Or if no one had reported cos some do.
We covered more than this, but I think those are the two important points for me to take away from our discussion. I'm going to this more about them though, so I'll probably address them in a later post. For now though, I'll leave them here and maybe one or two of you will have something to add.
"Store Owner: Nudity is just kept for sexual places or private stuff."
ReplyDeleteThat's a mindset that really aggravates me. Nude is our natural state; it's only deemed sexual because society has made it so. Perpetuating that belief is harmful, and yes I do mean "harmful."
"Store Owner: I'm not disturbed in you passing by but just wear panties and a bra"
Wandering around in your underwear is far more enticing than being nude, but that's okay?
"Store Owner: You could have been there totally alright if I hadn't been around."
That annoys me, too. lol 'I don't care, but...' Well, if you're the only one around and you don't care, shut up and leave me alone. lol
I once got threatened while I was sailing through a non-nudist sailing area owned by the owners of the largest naturist conglomerate of regions in SL, by one of their staff members who was the ONLY person on my radar and something like 180m away. I was just trying to sail through the area but having trouble figuring out my new boat, and being hassled by someone who couldn't have known I was naked if she hadn't cammed in on me. And she allegedly was a fellow naturist, at that.
I'm not sure I have a point to make, just ranting a bit. lol