Friday, April 15, 2011

NfL: My first Booting since That Club

Okay, technically I wasn't booted, I was asked to leave (nicely) and I did. Had a short chat with the gentleman afterwards and I thought I might share it here. I've removed his name and the name of the estate from the transcript.

Mr Booter: HI Fawny..Welcome to (the estate) ..I'm sorry..there is a very strict no nudity policy in the park. Youll need to put something on to stay.
Myf McMahon: oh, sorry. i'll leave and come back after Lent =)
Mr Booter: thank you
Myf McMahon: theyre very nice gardens btw.
Mr Booter: thank you ..there are (n) sims to the park...all to explore..just throw something
Myf McMahon: fair enuff. =) tho it's kind nice being natural in nature. you should try it sometime =)
Mr Booter: i have...before i oopened it to the problems with it myself....but this is our home...which i've opened others...and some guests feel uncomfortable about has bee created for everyone....if nudity was the least of the problems i have ot deal with here each would be
Myf McMahon: fair enuff. =) and that also answers what was going to be my next question; i was curious about your reasons. i've not intention of breaking the rule more than i have, but i was still curious. =)
Mr Booter: well..thanks ..i hope you'll come back and visit..and explore the beauty i've tried to express here for everyon
Mr Booter: after Lent
Mr Booter: LOL
Myf McMahon: i will, thanks for beng so nice about it =)
Mr Booter: my pleasure ..

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